You are here: 12. Micronet ECOM > 12.3. Display Options in Micronet ECOM > Stock on Hand Display Options

Stock on Hand Display Options

As well as deciding how you want your item panel displayed, you can select how available stock is displayed in Micronet ECOM. The options below are available whether your site is configured for List View or Grid View, and for all item panel configurations except for the unit pricing one where it is not possible to display stock availability.

The options are:

  1. Show the stock on hand up to a defined maximum, with no colours to indicate stock level.
  2. Show a text description of the stock level with colours to indicate stock level.
  3. Show stock quantity up to a maximum of 1000 with colours to indicate stock level.
  4. Show a text description of the stock level with colours to indicate stock level, along with a "Check Stock" indicator for low stock.
  5. Show a text description of the stock level with colours to indicate stock level, along with low stock options to show the next purchase order date or, if there is no purchase order, to contact the store.

More detail on each of these options is provided below. Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Option 5